No insults here, buddy. Old cartoons were cool, too. My fav was the Loony Toons ones. -w-
Joined on 4/27/08
No insults here, buddy. Old cartoons were cool, too. My fav was the Loony Toons ones. -w-
Were cool?
Well I don't watch em anymore; that's why I say that.
Gasp! You don't?! It's where all my inspiration comes from!
Well, we all get our inspiration from somewhere. ^_^;
I suppose so.
Since it's Friday, I'm gonna get my inspiration from anime. You?
Since it's Tuesday, I will get my inspiration from Fall From Heaven 2. Hmph.
O rly?
Since it's Tuesday, I'll get my inspiration from Yu-Gi-Oh!
Since it's been ages since I've made a news post, I will make a new one.
I dunno about that. I mean, Loony Toons did have some funny shows but anime just makes me feel right. It's also pretty damn funny. ^_^;
Well, I just don't like anime, but if you like it that's okay. Just don't insult my old cartoons.