To start it off with, I would like to say that half the people that criticize Sonic Unleashed just do minimal reasearch on the game and say crap about it without even playing it. The night stages aren't THAT bad like people on NG are ranting about. The night platforming is actually pretty fun, and the battles aren't severely bad, they just need a bit more polish. I've also heard complaints about Chip's voice being high-pitched, which is not true. This is a video on Youtube that has Chip's voice in it. People have also ranted about how the story was unnecessary and that it was a terrible idea for the developers to put in the game. The storyline is not a gamebreaking problem, nor are the voices or any of that crap. I hope this post puts some sense into your heads, but to all who play the game and rate it on the overall gameplay, good for you.
Man, I don't even know that they were complaining for Chip's voice! All the game is pefectly done if you ask me!