I will keep you updated on this, but in the meantime I will just say some quick notes.
It may be a sequel to Tails' Revenge.
It may be hand-drawn.
It may be an interactive thing like Tails' Revenge.
It will probably include Tails, because he is easy to draw and sprite. Plus he's awesome. :D
It also may be based off my friend's hilarious story, the Ballad of the Salad.
My friend could also do voices for the movie/game.
SuperMarioBrosS suggested I could make a flagging guide, using his info if I credited him.
Maybe it could work, but I don't think I could make it until school is over.
May it be a Tails' series?
ManlyMan97 (Updated )
Perhaps. I am pretty good at drawing him and spriting him! : )